Outside catering

As soon as the New Year kicks in, I turn my attention to outside catering and summer celebrations. By April, we may have had a taste of summer but it’s just the start of things to come.

Too much of our lives are spent indoors and when the time arrives to enjoy the outdoors, I like to make plans for putting on a show. As outside catering specialists with Citreus Catering, summer is the pinnacle of our year and this is where we thrive.

As you’ve probably heard me mention a thousand times already, I locally source the highest quality food whenever possible, and use a sense of creativity to provide a feast of outside catering services. 

Like many things in life, the balmy summer evenings are limited so let’s not waste any more time and warm you up with a taste of summer.

The Benefits of Outside Catering

Being outdoors makes us feel better. For those fortunate to travel from a cold climate to a tropical one, you will appreciate the feeling of vivacity upon stepping off the plane; feeling the sunlight hit your skin, and breathing in that warm, oxygenated air. 

  • Boosts Energy – the reason why we feel so alive is that the verdant surroundings actually boost our energy levels. 
  • Increases Happiness – we all need a little happiness in our lives and being outside can have a positive effect on the mind.
  • Elevates Vitamin D levels – necessary for teeth, bones and muscles, over 40% of Brits lack Vitamin D due to our unhealthy climate during the winter.  
  • Aromatherapy – two years ago, the global aromatherapy market was said to be worth over $1.6 billion. What’s so striking about this is that the outdoors is a natural aromatherapy arena requiring no financial investment.
  • Boosts Immunity – the natural state of being outdoors can ward off diabetes, ADHD and even cancer because the body is in a more relaxed state. They say that travel broadens the mind but nothing relaxes the mind more than nature.

And the reasons for eating outside naturally coexist with all the benefits of what nature has to offer. 

Here are 9 great ideas for outside catering 2023 catering.

  • Cuban – Spanish inspired, Cuban food is rumoured to be a trendy alternative in 2023. It gives me an excuse to get creative with a variety of fresh – locally sourced of course – ingredients.
  • Healthy Options – 
  • Pizza – 
  • Sri Lankan –
  • African –
  • Tapas – hot or cold, tapas is a great alternative to the traditional sit-down meal and ideal for outdoor catering in the summertime.

Not to be confused with the small, decorative canapes and hors d’oeuvre – https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/canape-recipes – that we prepare at weddings and events, tapas are based on Spanish cuisine and are not open-faced sandwiches designed to be eaten in less than three bites.

In Spain and Argentina, tapas have evolved into the lightsaber equivalent of dining as the idea of smaller portions is now a civilized cuisine for a more elegant type of guest.

It is now the opinion that guests at outdoor events and weddings prefer snacks for eating outdoors as it allows the freedom and diversity that smaller portions bring to large, open-air gatherings.

Even the origins of Spain’s tapas sound mouthwatering.

Tapas encapsulates everything we love about Spain: the weather, the food, the wine.

The story goes that, in the late 1700s, tapas were served by illiterate innkeepers to equally illiterate travellers, rendering the concept of a menu a pointless slate of information.

 Therefore, tapas, from the Spanish verb Tapar (to cover) was made available for the travellers to sample rather than having to become embroiled in an awkward conversation about a list of foods that nobody could understand. 

If we were to put the experience into a modern-day concept, it would be like asking a 21st-century teenager with an iPhone what they’d like for lunch. Just cut out the blank responses and move straight to an image of an open fridge. 

According to The Joy Of Cooking – https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/43822015-joy-of-cooking – the original tapas were slices of meat with bread and sherry. And for some reason, diners in Andalusian taverns would ‘cover’ their sherry glasses between sips.  Possibly in an attempt to avoid excessive sherry sampling. 

You can never have too much of a good thing. 

Serving Spanish cuisine gives the catering team the chance to cook using simple techniques with a variety of flavours. And it’s not just about main courses either. Spanish cuisine ranges from drinks to desserts and so there is a wide selection of ingredients to work with and keep the theme positively Español. 

Check out https://spanishsabores.com/about/for more Spanish recipe ideas

And that’s the best thing about tapas, you can have as much or as little as you like. 

Taking the emphasis away from the worries of specific main menus enables you to cater for everyone and cater with a variety of options. 

  • Popcorn Bar.

Whilst on the subject of snacks, let’s discuss the great grandfather of snacks: popcorn.

Popped as early as 4,700 BC, the pop-ularity (see what we did there?) of popcorn has expanded ever since the first commercial popcorn maker was invented in 1860, by Charles Cretors. 

You could say that Charles Cre-a-tord something that corn-ered the market (…sorry, couldn’t resist). 

Popcorn is a hit with all ages and only since the invention of the television, in the 1940s, did popcorn see a decline in sales.

 It doesn’t mean that the corn bubble has burst. You can use different sweet and savoury varieties and also introduce some less familiar flavours into the mix. 

When you see a popcorn bar at an event, you’ll be surprised at how many different varieties there are.

  • CBD-infused food.

I didn’t know this was really a thing but, since the gain of momentum in the health and wellness world, it’s pretty obvious that we’d be eating it with a salad sooner or later. 

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a chemical found in the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as cannabis or hemp and it’s now making everything healthier.

The research is ongoing, but there are certainly signs that the hype surrounding the health benefits of using CBD oils is justified. It is said to be effective against epilepsy, PTSD, pain, and neurological diseases, as well as reducing anxiety and depression.

Various salad dressings can be tried, desserts, protein shakes, honey, and even trendy bottled water now comes with a healthy dose of cannabidiol. 

And, due to the illegal substances being removed, the only thing that will get a buzz is the theme. 

I can sense the ambivalence. 

The mere sound of a CBD-infused event will attract a mass of interested enquirers, and probably several calls to the authorities. 

As a parent, I couldn’t possibly imagine encouraging my child to consume CBD at any other time in history, but it’s only a matter of time before Haribo will be coining in on the idea. Check out what this UK-based company has on offer – https://cbdasylum.com/product-category/cbd-sweets/  

There is no doubt that as soon as more people hear about CBD-infused food, they’ll be hooked on the idea. Here are some alternatives: https://www.abouttimemagazine.co.uk/food/7-cbd-infused-foods-you-have-to-try/ 

  • Street Food.

Street food vending varies greatly between regions and cultures. Certain foods, flavours, and unique styles of cooking are often associated with the street vendors of a country, a city, or even a small town where a unique offering of cuisine is served.

You can choose to opt for one particular theme such as Thai, Indian, Jamaican or Mexican, or mix it up with a variety of tastes from around the world. You could even go with a New York-themed event that offers hot dogs, pizza, and Prosecco. 

Street food can be as easy or as complicated as you wish to make it. Something as mundane as fish and chips, for a seaside-themed event, would be greatly appreciated by guests of all ages at an outdoor catering event and, with street food, the world really is your oyster. 

Street food works well for any occasion and can be quick and easy to prepare. 

Take a Mexican theme for example. Many of the products for a taco station can be prepared days or even weeks in advance, and taco parties work well at weddings, birthdays, baby showers,  or  team dinners – https://www.areinventedmom.com/taco-bar-party/. 

This is what the BBC has to offer on the subject of street food –https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/street-food-recipes 

  • Set the trend.

There is nothing more imaginative than being different and setting your own trend for outside catering. Just like fashion, eateries follow trends to keep up with the anticipated demand, and these last couple of years have been very inspirational for our outdoor catering events.

Within the last decade, we haves seen a greater demand for vegan, plant-based food and alternative kinds of milk –https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/travel/2022/03/the-12-biggest-global-food-trends-for-2022-from-kelp-to-yakitori 

And the worldwide pandemic also appears to have influenced trends in cooking as there are clear signs that we have been spending more time in the kitchen as a family. 

Since lockdown, the nostalgic tray-based baking, traditional with school dinners, appears to be making a comeback. 

The British breakfast has also seen a revolution with a trend of enjoying more bacon and eggs in the morning. Also, the versatility and superfood status of the humble mushroom means that we are interested in making room on our plates for more macrofungi this year.   

Here at Citreus, we have many inspirational ideas for outdoor catering for your wedding or event this year but why not share your ideas with us and see what we can cook up together.  

Here are 7 more ideas: https://sesamorestaurant.com/news/7-reasons-you-should-consider-eating-outdoors/

Have you noticed certain outdoor catering trends this year? 

This is what the foodies were predicting last month: https://www.specialityfoodmagazine.com/news/food-and-drink-trends-for-2022 

Contact us here to find out more about outside catering with us – https://www.citreuscatering.co.uk/contact-us-citreus-catering-nottingham-weddings-events/

Corporate catering.

We never planned to be predominant in a corporate capacity but our organic progression as professional caterers expanded through weddings and events catering – https://www.craigfloatechef.com/2023/01/30/wedding-catering-floate-on-food-catering-professionals/ – where we initially gained a reputation for our work as individual chefs – https://citreuscatering.co.uk/event-catering-citreus-events-and-weddings-east-midlands/

The Business of Corporate Caterers

The business of using corporate caterers is almost, exactly, 200 years old. 

Although the term ‘catering’ wasn’t recognised until the 1860s, Robert Bogle, an entrepreneur from Philadelphia who was born into slavery, is credited with the title of the “originator of catering”.  

Bogle virtually created the business of catering and was known as a master of ceremonies at elaborate weddings, funerals and banquets. 

His work was so profound and respected that he had a poem written about him, as he was renowned as such an important contributor to social events – https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/bogle-robert-1744-1848/#:~:text=Entrepreneur%20Robert%20Bogle%20was%20the,city’s%20African%20American%20residents%20lived. 

The Business of Corporate Creativity

Corporate Caterers, first and foremost, must understand the mix of business and creativity –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn6JOa-vhxY&t=5s 

Corporate caterers have a duty to understand the requirements of their role and be able to deliver a meaningful and engaging experience that resonates with the client as well as their audience. 

Therefore, a caterer’s ability to perform well at corporate events can be a double-edged sword, especially at business-to-business events where the guests may also require good corporate caterers for a similar service in the near future. 

Use any knowledge you can gather about the company – the business ethos, the client demographic, the aim of the event – and use it as a creative springboard. 

Corporate Caterers Represent

We are fortunate that our business acumen and vast experience within the hospitality industry have helped us to develop and maintain partnerships with businesses that appreciate the benefit of quality corporate caterers.

We have the benefit of growing with time, and that momentum has assisted in our refined representation skills. 

We have an appreciative understanding of our environment, which is a learned discipline of maintaining professionalism and knowing whether to work gracefully or actively. 

Consistent Corporate Caterers

It isn’t just within a corporate environment where consistency becomes the key to success. We believe that consistency is the key to successful catering.

As we have reiterated in previous posts, a private chef -https://cheftibor.com/private-functions-chef-tibor-exclusive-fine-dining-experiences/ or a restaurant is only as good as their last meal. 

Quality is only attributed to chefs and restaurants based upon a reputation for delivering quality food, consistently, throughout their careers.

What is the key to consistency?

We are often asked how we have managed to build and maintain a reputation as one of the best catering companies in the region, and the simple answer is: unpredictability. 

Anyone who works within a customer service environment knows that good customer service is based upon going above and beyond expectations, and good corporate caterers are no different within this approach.

The best analogy of a company going above and beyond what is expected of them is when the pilot of a budget airline didn’t just give passengers a ‘predictable’ flight home, he did a 360-degree turn over the North Atlantic to allow all passengers the chance to see spectacular glimpses of the Northern Lights – https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/easyjet-pilot-northern-lights-flight-b2291009.html . 

At Citreus Catering, we believe that a meal shouldn’t be a standard flight, it should be the taste equivalent of the elusive aurora borealis

We know that the audience often expects a mediocre spread of pre-packed, supermarket sandwiches, washed down with Sunny Delight. But will they expect restaurant-quality food when processed banality is already resonating? 

Imagine how resonating, profound and appetising that will be.

Imagine how freshly prepared, locally sourced cuisine will appear in the eyes of the guests when they realise just how the imagination of professional corporate caterers can benefit and overwhelm a business event.

Refining to Redefine. 

We completely refine the ambience from one momentary convention to an atmosphere of an impassioned, thrillingly entertaining get-together.

And, it is only the training and years of experience that exposes corporate caterers to the advanced techniques and international cuisines that are available to transform an event.

Be prepared for challenges

We embrace challenges at Citreus Catering – it’s what we love about the industry. 

However, be prepared for unexpected nuances to appear in the mix. 

Corporate caterers are responsible for concept development as well as the ingredient selection that goes to make an unpredictable and exciting menu.

Be the Corporate Caterers you want to see.

That business acumen and experience allow us to understand the needs of our clients. 

Build rapport; make those connections and get to know the needs of your client to fully understand the meaning of the event and how it reflects on everyone involved, especially if the service doesn’t go to plan.

Customised Corporate Catering 

Once you have a feel for the client’s needs, you will be able to use your creative skills to build and customise an exclusive menu, befitting the occasion. 

Keeping in close contact with your clients will help you to provide those ideas and mould your knowledge and creativity around the event, relaying any changes to your corporate client, if necessary. 

If you are a business that wishes to leverage awareness through corporate caterers, Citreus Catering is hot on the menu.

New York, London, Paris, Munchies…

With an international reputation, the world is our oyster and the only thing that separates us from other corporate caterers is our quality. 

Our professional, approachable team has got all your corporate culinary needs covered, technically, hygienically, realistically.

Contact us to discuss your plans and we will provide fresh ideas of how we can help turn your corporate event into the main event

Alternative Christmas…..

We immediately think about turkey when we discuss Christmas dinners but, with over half of Britain’s free-range turkeys being destroyed, everyone is looking at Christmas dinner differently this year and seeking Christmas dinner alternatives.

Short supply and the UK’s worst-ever outbreak of bird flu means that the price of fresh turkey has rocketed, leaving many of us with Christmas Day dinner dilemmas.
Amended legislation allowed farmers to slaughter turkeys early this year but the idea of a blast-frozen turkey doesn’t sound that appealing to most people.

Although cheaper than the fresh variety and with the reassurance of a largely unaffected texture, the turkey still carries the burden of being the blandest of all birds and it may not live up to expectations in its post-frozen form.

Unlike last Christmas when we were heralding the turkey’s popularity – https://citreuscatering.co.uk/get-creative-this-christmas-with-citreus-catering/ – the turkey has taken a verbal basting. In fact, this year, the turkey has received more online hate than honest opinions on Twitter.
And – with honesty in mind – after the poor turkey has met its demise in a process that doesn’t sound too dissimilar to the carbon freezing technique trialled on Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back, you may want to opt for some of our Christmas dinner alternatives.

What Christmas Dinner Alternatives will you try?

In the midst of a Christmas cost of living crisis, you are going to want to hear about value for money. And when we are considering cheaper Christmas dinner alternatives that also bring flavour and creativity to the table, nothing ticks the advent calendar boxes better than the swine (more on pork later).
But what’s wrong with chicken as a Christmas dinner alternative?

Absolutely nothing at all. Ideal for smaller families, Chicken is a much cheaper and sweeter Christmas dinner alternative to Turkey, plus, if there is enough meat on the bones, there is always the added benefit of making a Boxing Day chicken soup.

Don’t give up the goose.

To quote from last year’s Christmas blog, it wasn’t until the 1700s when “…the turkey gradually replaced the goose as Britain’s favourite Christmas cull.”

Yes, the goose was once the top dog – or bird – of Christmas dinners and it could still take the top spot this year as the perfect festive centrepiece.

Many people do go straight for the goose when the turkey is out of the question but, with a 4-6kg gander costing around £17.00, it’s not exactly a cheaper alternative.

Asda is currently selling a sizeable 8kg goose for £32.00 and the deeper flavour that results in the succulent goose fat for roasting the spuds is considered by many to be a worthwhile investment and the only alternative to Christmas day dinner.

If you are in a position to give a goose a home this Christmas, check out these five delicious recipes:


With turkey out of the way, beef is going to be a big hit this Christmas. There are many cuts to choose from but the highly recommended, untrimmed tenderloin has no bones or fat to contend with and it’s highly presentable and easy to cook. Here are some tops tips for the tenderloin – 

Full-English Christmas Dinner alternatives

Talking of tenderloin…

The precise name of origin is unclear but one thing is for sure: Beef Wellington is a true English classic that has been observed as a well-established part of English cuisine for over a century.
Similar to the French fillet de boeuf en croute (fillet of beef in pastry), the early 20th Century recipe is a wrapped, baked and sliced tenderloin perfect for all the family.
Here is our very own Christmas Dinner Alternatives recipe for Classic beef Wellington with sautéed hispi cabbage, roasted carrots and roast Parmentier potatoes in a red wine jus. Enjoy…

Classic Christmas Dinner Alternatives – Beef Wellington
Ingredients –
· 1x 500g beef fillet – Ask the butcher for the centre cut for Beef Wellington
· Olive oil, for frying
· 500g mixture of wild mushrooms, cleaned
· 1 thyme sprig, leaves only
· X1 sheet puff pastry
· 8 slices of Parma ham
· 2 egg yolks, beaten with 1 tbsp water and a pinch of salt
· Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
· X1 hispi (Sweetheart) cabbage
· X4 large Maris piper potatoes
· X4 large carrots
Red wine sauce –
· 2 tbsp olive oil
· 200g beef trimmings (ask the butcher to reserve these when trimming the fillet)
· 4 large shallots, peeled and sliced
· 12 black peppercorns
· 1 bay leaf
· 1 thyme sprig
· Splash of red wine vinegar
· 1 x 750ml bottle red wine
· 750ml beef stock

Method –

· Wrap the piece of beef tightly in a triple layer of cling film to set its shape, then chill overnight (Ideally)

· Remove the cling film, then quickly sear the beef fillets in a hot pan with a little olive oil for 30-60 seconds until browned all over and rare in the middle. Remove from the pan and leave to cool.

· Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in a hot pan with a little olive oil, thyme leaves and some seasoning. 

When the mushrooms begin to release their juices, continue to cook over high heat for about 10 minutes until all the excess moisture has evaporated and you are left with a mushroom paste (known as a duxelle). Remove the duxelle from the pan and leave to cool…

· Lay a large sheet of cling film on a work surface and place 4 slices of Parma ham in the middle, overlapping them slightly, to create a square. Spread half the duxelle evenly over the ham.

· Season the beef fillets, then place them on top of the mushroom-covered ham. Using the cling film, roll the Parma ham over the beef, then roll and tie the cling film to get a nice, evenly thick log, then chill for at least 30 minutes.

· Brush the pastry with the egg wash. Remove the cling film from the beef, then wrap the pastry around each ham-wrapped fillet. Trim the pastry and brush all over with the egg wash. Cover with cling film and chill for at least 30 minutes.

· Meanwhile, make the red wine sauce. Heat the oil in a large pan, then fry the beef trimmings for a few minutes until browned on all sides. Stir in the shallots with the peppercorns, bay and thyme and continue to cook for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until the shallots turn golden brown.

· Pour in the vinegar and let it bubble for a few minutes until almost dry. Now add the wine and boil until almost completely reduced. Add the stock and bring to the boil again. Lower the heat and simmer gently for 1 hour, removing any scum from the surface of the sauce, until you have the desired consistency. 

Strain the liquid through a fine sieve lined with muslin. Check for seasoning and set aside.

· When you are ready to cook the beef wellingtons, score the pastry lightly and brush with the egg wash again, then bake at 220°C/Gas 6 for 35-40 minutes until the pastry is golden brown and cooked. 

Rest for 10 minutes before carving.

· Meanwhile, reheat the sauce. Serve the beef wellingtons sliced, with the sauce as an accompaniment.

· Thinly slice the hispi cabbage as thin as you can. Heat a non-stick frying pan with a splash of oil and a knob of butter. Add the cabbage to the pan and cook until just soft, season with salt and pepper.

· Peel the carrots and slice in half-length way. Boil a saucepan with salted water and blanch the carrots in the water until just cooked. Drain from the water and allow to cool, place into a roasting tray, drizzle with olive oil and roast in the oven at 200c for 25 minutes until golden brown and cooked.

· For the parmentier potatoes, slice the ends off the potato then each side so you have a large rectangle of potato. Cut in half then length ways, then cut into cubes around 1cm big. Place into a pan of boiling salted water and boil until just cooked. Drain from the water and place into a roasting tray, drizzle with olive oil and roast in the oven 200c until golden brown and cooked.

Let’s Talk Pork

Pork is a perpetual crowd-pleasing promise not to be proportional prohibited.

The cheapest and most cheerful, pork is a winner for Christmas Day dinner, and a 2kg loin will generously feed 6-8 carvery enthusiasts.

For a truly delightful crackling, score the pork and salt generously before leaving it to sit uncovered for two hours in the fridge.

Pat the skin dry with kitchen towel and baste it regularly with the rendered oil as it roasts, turning the oven to full for the final few minutes.

The great thing about pork it that it really holds up to creativity. Chestnuts, cider, pineapple, mushroom, black pepper, mustard and, of course, apple all make great Christmas dinner alternatives to turkey and cranberry sauce.

And if you want to turn our aforementioned Beef Wellington number into a Pork version, the BBC have some great Christmas kitchen ideas for a Pork Wellington – https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/christmas-pork-recipes .

You don’t eat lamb at Christmas!

If you think lamb is better left as a traditional roast at Easter, think again and open your mind to lamb at Christmas.

Who says you can’t eat lamb at Christmas? I know it’s not a cheap alternative – probably on par with the goose – but it is a Christmas dinner alternative with a touch of class.

The kids will turn their noses up at lamb because “it’s too fatty, Dad” but if you choose the rump from the back, the cut is lean, tender and full of flavour.

We don’t usually throw the big names about on here but Jamie Oliver does know a thing or two all about choosing the best cut – https://www.jamieoliver.com/features/ultimate-guide-to-lamb-cuts/#:~:text=The%20rump%20comes%20from%20the,reveal%20its%20blushing%20pink%20centre. – and these guys – https://www.allrecipes.com/gallery/christmas-lamb-recipes/ – know how to talk lamb, winter flavours, and how to create a touch of elegance at Christmas.

But what if you don’t want Christmas Dinner Alternatives?

You may not fancy any of our Christmas Dinner Alternatives as we appreciate that turkey remains a traditional treat on the table for many families.

If turkey is your Christmas superpower in the kitchen – and you can get one – just go for it and follow the Citreus Catering lead from last year when turkeys were in abundance and we could all afford to put the heating on:-

Young, plump, short-necked and supple…

A good turkey should be young and plump, short-necked with a supple windpipe, and with the wishbone removed – it’s easier to carve.

 A great tip for cooking the turkey is to roast it upside down. It certainly sounds unorthodox but it’s all about moisture and flavour, and if you cook the turkey upside down for an hour, all the juices will flow into the breast, adding succulent flavour where needed.

Don’t let turkey ruin Christmas. Ensure that you allow 20 minutes of roasting per 450g (1 lb in old money), ideally at 16 ֯C (325֯F, Gas mark 3) to avoid any trouble from your bird.

Add season under the skin with butter, rosemary, cumin, or Italian seasoning, and season the outside with garlic, olive oil, salt, and other favourites. 

You can even baste with butter, beer, wine or juice every hour.

The legs take the longest to cook so it is advisable to remove the legs and cook them for 30-minutes before the rest.

Stuff it

Stuffing has taken a bit of a back seat over the last 20 years but, having said that, a lot of the traditional ingredients still work well with turkey.

 Keep breadcrumbs to a minimum and don’t over-stuff the beast. Use dessert apples, oranges, wild mushrooms, chestnuts and rosemary to help penetrate deep down into the meat.

The Crown

If you are opting for a crown this Christmas – as many people did when they had different lives prior to a worldwide pandemic, Brexit, and a cost of living crisis – remember to royally roast it with bacon strips to turn up the intensity, and ask your butcher for some turkey bones to use for stock. 

Regularly add the juices to introduce moisture while it’s cooking, and cover with foil if it starts to brown. 

Serve with the strained cooking juices and garnish with watercress.

Roast Potatoes 

About 85% of us will be having roast potatoes with our Christmas dinner this year and it’s vitally important that you get the oil hot if you want that tasty crunch.

Coconut oil is perfect for adding extra crunchhttps://www.bbcgoodfood.com/videos/techniques/how-roast-potatoes-video but goose fat – as previously touched upon – gives the best flavour, with butter being the best vegetarian option. 

We like roasted veg at Citreus, it always works well with turkey. Don’t crisscross the sprouts either because it causes them to retain too much moisture and, when catering for large families, arrange the food like a carvery to allow guests to help themselves and relieve the stress of serving.

Creative Canapes

One area where you can get creative this Christmas is with a selection of canapes for your quests. Check out these treats: https://www.delicious.com.au/recipes/collections/gallery/best-canape-recipes/92a6ap69?page=2%20.

You could go retro with glazed salmon or mix it up a bit with rare roast beef and mustard, or play it safe by introducing chicken satay skewers as a light snack.

Whatever your plans are, we hope you enjoy your food with good company and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas. We hope to see you all again in the new year and don’t forget to let us know if you need professional catering assistance for a celebration in 2023 – https://citreuscatering.co.uk/contact-us-citreus-catering-nottingham-weddings-events/

Best wishes and a Happy New Year from everyone here at Citreus Catering.


A day in the life of a chef!

A day in the life of a chef may well have started long before he or she enters the kitchen. Like many occupations, a day is never technically a day. A day is an amalgamation of many days leading up to one, all-important, memorable meal. 


For centuries, chefs have prepared meals in a very similar fashion. The sanitation and the cooking conditions have changed, but the love for food and cooking remains the same.

 If you enjoy hectic days filled with manic preparation, overseeing and delegating a team of staff whilst cooking in a high-paced environment, you’re ready to start your day as a chef.

The majority of preparation and planning will take place well in advance of the cooking.  A special character is required to line up commitments like the beads on a rosary and still find room for creativity to take hold. 

We often perceive chefs in their most stereotypical role – sorting, cleaning, chopping, mixing, cooking and serving – but there will have been days, possibly weeks of preparation leading up to that moment.

The Kitchen: A Culinary Arena

From the moment a Chef walks into a kitchen, you know a battle is about to commence. There is going to be emotional pain and bad language, and you know there will be challenges, adversity and casualties afoot.

The kitchen is the arena and the combatants are known locally as ‘Creative Culinary Designers’ versus ‘The Best Produce’ and, if the outcome goes to plan, you are in for a delicious treat on a plate.

A Day in the Life of the Chef Begins with the Ingredients.

The better the ingredients, the better the finished product. Every good chef knows this, and that’s ‘philosophical catering rule 101’ in its simplest form. 

It’s not as simple as finding the freshest, quality ingredients, it’s a matter of logistics, pricing, consistency and punctuality. Professional cooks need consistency; reputable vendors who deliver top quality food, on time, and in the preferred quantities – all of the time. 

From the first day in the life of the chef, he’s not only looking for quality, he’s also negotiating prices – is there a discount in bulk?  – he’s putting a strategy in place, and the chef needs reassurance that the company can deliver the finest produce at the drop of a premium quality kitchen knife. 

Furthermore, is the produce/delivery compromised at certain times of the year? This is vital information that should be ascertained well in advance and the chef needs to be able to trust the people he is working with – ultimately, only the chef’s reputation is on the line.

The best chefs don’t have the luxury of franchise applications whereby the produce is provided in bulk by one particular vendor, later skimming a wage from the profits from throwing stuff in a microwave. Most chefs are left searching for a trustworthy supplier of meat, seafood, bread, salad, veg and alcohol.

It’s extremely rare to find a vendor that supplies everything. Especially in terms of wines, salads, fruit, pastries and veg, there is a requirement to liaise, meet, sample and collect reputable references long before the all-important reliability factor of delivery can be determined.

The inventory

Upon ordering the food, its storage and the movement of stock, good inventory management is a crucial part of a day in the life of a chef – from the very first day. It ensures that everything is consistently tracked whether the inventory is digital or an old-school list. Items should be listed, and weights, prices and all-important costs should be in order.   

A chef needs to handle unexpected inventory fluctuations, tallying individual ingredients that may arise as a result of demand increases and restaurant food waste. 

A par inventory sheet sets minimum figures and, whether using the latest digitalised version or old school tools, customer demand and minimum quantities have to be accounted for daily – https://www.chefs-resources.com/kitchen-management-tools/restaurant-inventory-control/maximize-inventory-management-software/

The Art of Menus

Many people assume that the method for writing a menu is, in many ways, the same used by some marketing companies when writing content: loosely grasp an idea everyone else is using and then just throw some words and pictures up in the air and leave the rest to serendipity. 

A menu should be written in such a way that it is easy to read but appealing to the senses. Words must be used to ensure that the customer is led on an imaginary journey where words are edible, biteable and olfactory.

If you consider that faded pictures of fried breakfasts accommodating very few words are the antithesis of a first-class menu, you have some idea of where to start. If the menu is good enough, there is no requirement for photographs because the appetite of the mind provides a good enough picture of what to expect.

Although a menu may not be used on a daily basis, a day in the life of a chef involves the careful consideration of the existing menu.  

The day in the life of a chef starts early.

For many chefs in hotels, the day will erupt before breakfast, possibly with an early morning call prior to 5 a.m. For those working lunch, the preparation will begin about 7 a.m. when the organised structure begins. 

Ovens, hobs and fryers will be on; the peeling, chopping, and washing of vegetables takes place whilst overseeing the consistent guarantee of quality, following safety and sanitation procedures. 

Early morning is a stage of limited pressure where potatoes and spinach can be prepared in a relaxed atmosphere of delegation and menu ideas bouncing through the opera of a busy kitchen. 

The mid-morning all builds up to a crescendo. It’s nothing new but ‘Chef Stress’ is now a thing these days. The pursuit of perfection on a plate is a demanding occupation that has been presented as ‘a curse of the culinary genius’ – 

Flavours Assemble!

3-course meal served

The long hours, the hot conditions and the noise of a busy kitchen are all weighing heavily as the pre-lunch tasting takes place. Chefs mentally assemble a flavour and the tasting of everything from sauces to pasta water takes place. 

Taste testing is tacit knowledge. It’s not really something a chef has time to teach – imagine people of culinary calibre micromanaging at those times! – a chef knows what to expect and it’s a pre-requisite to every serving. Tasting is all day, every day, in the life of a chef and nothing leaves the kitchen without the chef overseeing its flavour.  

The Finished Product

All the hard work and dedication is leads up to this moment. Chefs are not judged on the day but on every solitary serving, on every shift.

The adrenaline rush leading up to the moment of acceptance; the compliments; the awards; the respect – it’s all earned and only achievable through hours of dedication and intense labouring.

The final presentation is all part of maintaining excellence. The arrangement that engages the senses and draws the diner in like a distant masterpiece is a composition that simultaneously unites all the various elements of a great chef.

Just as an artist has a deep, empirical knowledge of how paints and inks behave, the chef paints a perfect picture with food. The day in the life of a chef is complete when methods of cooking and diligent organisation combine to bring a fine balance of tastes, textures and colour to the table. 

Are you looking for a day in the life of a chef?

Autumn and winter are busy times of the year for kitchen staff. Halloween, Bonfire Night, the Game Shooting Season (Oct – Feb), Christmas, and this year’s late, winter World Cup are great times of the year that bring people together. 

If you are looking for quality food at your event, contact Citreus Catering www.citreuscatering.co.uk

Professional catering services

Professional Catering Services 

Outdoor Catering
Outdoor Catering

Professional Catering

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when planning an event but, regardless of the occasion, professional catering is all about risk management. 

To be able to make the occasion run smoothly and be as enjoyable and as relaxing as possible, you want to ensure that your professional catering team not only puts the quality on the table but also brings the guarantee of maintaining a high standard of hygiene.

It goes without saying that poorly cooked food, cross-contamination and allergen ignorance should not be on the menu at the event.

The Professional Catering Team you can Trust.Outdoor Catering cuisines

With over 60-years’ combined experience in the catering industry, Citreus is the professional catering team you can trust. 

outdoor eating

Specialising in professional catering, we have worked at some of the biggest events in the country and our reputation as one of the region’s leading catering companies precedes us.

From football and rugby stadiums to music festivals and racecourses, we have a culture of gastronomy at our fingertips to provide an unforgettable culinary experience at any planned public or social occasion. 

Our professional catering expertise is backed by all the requirements, with all the relevant qualifications and safety certificates in place to ensure a smooth culinary journey from the kitchen to the table.

First-class safety first.

With all the relevant hygiene and safety certification in place, you have peace of mind and reassurance that our first-class service comes with a safety guarantee to make it all right on the night.

With an uncompromising approach to quality, Citreus Catering is the perfect accompaniment to the table.

Food is a necessity but professional catering is an art. 


With a passion for food that developed at an early age, we are not short of expertise or ideas when it comes to the art of professional catering.

Here is a list of services provided by our professional catering team that all carry the guarantee of maintaining good hygiene practices: –

  • Wedding Catering 

To impress the wedding guests, the professional catering service has to be at the top of its game – https://www.citreuscatering.co.uk/hospitality-weddings-citreus-catering-nottingham-east-midlands/ 

The bride isn’t the only one who can make a grand entrance on the day, our wedding catering service is designed to impress the eyes and satisfy the taste buds. 

Professional Wedding Catering Specialists

The aspect of hospitality which people most look up to is the food, and this is the area where a professional wedding catering specialist adds perfection to the main menu – https://www.hitched.co.uk/wedding-planning/organising-and-planning/wedding-catering-everything-you-need-to-know/ 

We believe that a good wedding catering company should be on point. The night is in the balance and it’s make-or-break for the professional wedding catering team, regardless of the surroundings. 

As wedding catering professionals with a wealth of experience, we know good food and we build lasting relationships with our clients based on results. 

We provide our expert knowledge, open the mind to new taste sensations, and offer various solutions to suit the ambience, the surroundings, and the guest list.

All Wedding Catering Courses Covered

We are one of the few professional catering companies that specialise in all courses, so you don’t have to worry about bringing in additional help for certain foods.

Professional Catering CreativityOutdoor Catering finger food

Wedding Catering is all about the planning to ensure that the presentation is just right, and we have all the right culinary weaponry to execute a delicious feast for all.

When it comes to the first crunch, it’s the creativity that makes the difference and only an experienced professional catering team will be able to bring the necessary creativity to the table.

We elevate the quality of the food to new levels so that the experience is unanticipated to the point that your guests will be mesmerised by how good wedding catering can be.

We assist you with the discovery of new flavours, various options, bespoke requirements, and the ability to pay attention to the finer details that really matter on the big day. 

Professional Catering Sensations

We know good wedding catering food is carefully prepared and locally sourced, and we do not slice corners with quality. We can provide expert knowledge, open minds to new taste sensations, and offer various solutions to suit the ambience, the surroundings, and the guest list.

If you’re planning the big day, we’d love to hear about how we can provide the perfect wedding catering solution for your wedding day. 

Outdoor Catering
  • Hog Roasts & BBQs

Citreus Catering’s Hog Roasts and BBQs are all about the aromas, the ambience, the outdoor venue and – of course – the people. 

BBQs always allow us to experiment with different meats and seafood, and we take great pleasure in exhibiting our skills and creativity on the outdoor flames.

Our legendary Hog Roasts and BBQs bring a unique flavour to the outdoor party atmosphere where we showcase our talent and lay the foundations for a memorable event.

A Taste for Hog Roasts and BBQs

We’ve always delivered the great taste of the outdoors with our hog roasts and BBQs, but it took some years before Early Man finally realised that the pig tastes better when it’s raised from the embers, and not thrown into them – https://www.alleventshogroast.co.uk/the-history-of-the-hog-roast/ 

Wild Boar were indigenous to Western Europe in the Middle Ages when the traditional spit-roast method of cooking consisted of a mounted pig on a pole, over a burning pit of sticks, supported by a timber framework.

Hog Roasts and BBQs are growing in popularity.

Growing in popularity, Hog Roasts were common in Edwardian and Victorian times to feed large numbers as the masses gathered at public events.

 An ever-impressive focal point at an event, the beast crackles and pops as it is slowly cooked to the point where the scrumptious pork drops from the bone.

Modern-day Hog Roasts & BBQs

In these busy times, the most primitive forms of Hog Roasts and BBQs are outcooked by specially designed stainless-steel machines, powered by a small engine and propane gas to reduce the cooking time. 

Don’t be put off by modern technology. 

These machines are as equally impressive as the Saxon spit roasts when they cooked on their farms, and the flavour is equal to the times of the Renaissance period when the chefs of Florence were busy basting their pigs with orange juice and using nuts and herbs as stuffing.

After all, as the equipment advanced in kitchens, around the 18th century, it was the lack of room that dissuaded chefs from the idea of cooking the entire hog. This was where the butcher stepped in and provided conveniently sized portions to cook as a joint on smaller grills.

What awaits you on a day of Hog Roasts and BBQs?

What you can expect from a day of hog roasts and BBQs with Citreus Catering is all the splendour and spectacle of a medieval feast combined with the 21st-century knowledge and skill of a catering professional.

We have several ideas to put on the table but our delicious pork can be served on crusty baps with stuffing and apple and accompanied by a number of sauces and a variety of seasonal salads.

Plan with us.

If you are thinking about planning a hog roast or BBQ, we’d be delighted to hear from you. 

We couldn’t recommend this element of our catering services more highly. It really is an exciting feast, fit for kings, weddings, festivals, and other outdoor events of various shapes and sizes. 

  • Event Catering – 

The atmosphere, the occasion, the people, the food: we thrive on big occasions – https://www.visitbritain.com/gb/en/13-british-food-festivals-you-dont-want-miss# 

They say that when you enjoy something; when you are in your element, you perform at your best.

Well, this can certainly be said about Citreus Catering’s event catering.

We love grand occasions. Regardless of the size, we adapt to the ambience with catering excellence to put on a show of delicious food and a fast, efficient, friendly service. 

We are multi-layered in our approach and embrace new trends in the context of dishes. Not afraid of experimenting with new flavours, we make our own route on the road of cuisine and refuse to follow the motorway of mediocrity.

Event Catering SpecialistsOutdoor Catering with Citreus

Our cooking reflects customs of age and present-day eating habits and our work continues to be a source of inspiration for other event catering specialists. 

Full Range Event Catering

With a repertoire of culinary skills, Citreus event catering is well-equipped and prepared for the crowds. 

We cover a full range of event catering foods – canapes, street food, finger foods, hog roasts, buffets, international cuisines, BBQs and seasonal outdoor banquets – for huge or small celebrations at weddings, parties, festivals and corporate gatherings. 

With an uncompromising approach to quality, Citreus Catering is the perfect accompaniment to your occasion.

Our locally sourced, authentic produce is a huge part of our event catering and becomes an integral part of a memorable day.

Our skills are always in high demand due to our commitment to excellence, cementing ourselves as an authority in the event catering industry, providing dining experiences at Royal Ascot, Cheltenham Race Festival, Wembley, Wimbledon and the British Golf Open.

Let’s start making memories.

Memories are made on the biggest occasions and Citreus Catering is here to make the memories while you and your guests relax and enjoy the feast.

If you have thought about planning an event and you want to see us at our best, let’s talk about making memories.

  • Crew Catering

Happy being on the road, we love being part of the team at Citreus Catering, and our crew catering service ensures that the workers won’t go hungry.

Lights, Cameras, Crew Catering Action.

We’ve got a place for you on set with Citreus Crew Catering and it’s wholesome and delicious food all wrapped up in one delicious service.

From TV, film, music and sporting events, we have a culture of gastronomy at our fingertips to provide an unforgettable round-the-clock, crew catering experience.

An army cannot march on an empty stomach and we don’t expect a crew to work without a quality, highly professional, crew catering service – https://nofilmschool.com/2016/11/meals-production-crew-crafty-set 

Working primarily in and around the East Midlands, we are multi-award-winning catering specialists from Nottingham, with a combined experience of over 60 years.

Whatever your gig, our crew catering service delivers the Citreus Catering seal of approval every time.   

A Crew Catering Reputation

 Working at some of the biggest events in the country, our reputation as one of the region’s leading catering companies continues to grow each year with our crew catering services.

Always prepared, we are aware that people have different tastes and dietary requirements but, with such a wealth of experience, we are able to develop specific menus as and when required., to tight deadlines and against the elements.

Working to tight deadlines and often against the elements, Citreus Catering welcomes the challenge to bring our culinary expertise to the table at any time, day or night.

Who are we?

Specialising in wedding receptions, corporate events and crew catering, we have a tasty history and a culture of gastronomy at our heart.

In a world of accessible international cuisines and multicultural influences, we owe our skills to those who played a fundamental role in the development of classic cuisines and the art of catering.

Never static, like the set on a movie or a stage at a music festival, our cuisine never ceases to evolve and our work is a source of inspiration for others. 

From intimate gatherings to elaborate feasts, we are multi-layered in our approach and we embrace new trends in the context of dishes. 

Speak to us about how our catering crew can cater for your crew with Citreus Crew Catering.

  • Hot and Cold Buffets

We know which side our bread is buttered is covered when it comes to hot and cold buffets – https://www.runnymedehotel.com/blog/buffet-dining-from-the-swedish-smorgasbord-to-upstanding-luncheons/#:~:text=The%20word%20’buffet’%20became%20adopted,than%20the%20piece%20of%20furniture. 

Experienced, efficient, and creative, we are never short of imagination in the kitchen when it comes to catering for hot and cold buffets.

Fingers or Forks

Whether using fingers or forks on disposable plates or quality crockery, we’ve got a full range of catering ideas for hot and cold buffets for your special occasion.

Wrapped or topped, small or large, and regardless of the occasion, the plates will be filled with flavoursome food.

From our sandwich and canape selections that are vast and diverse – covering a wide range of options such as meat, salad, vegetarian, gluten-free and seafood – to a range of pastries, pasties, pies, chillies, curries, soups, roasts and homemade desserts, we have something to suit all tastes and dietary requirements.  

Hot and cold buffets: a warming affair or a cool vibe.

Our passion for food and our event experience means that we have the skills in our repertoire to make any occasion a memorable occasion.

Skilled and experienced, our hot and cold buffets adapt and reflect the occasion. 

If you are looking for a relaxed ambience or a bouncing birthday bash, we can adapt to the environment. Our hot and cold buffets are ideal for life celebrations at funerals, corporate events or just an excuse to party. 

We have an abundance of ideas and we lay the flavours out like an international food festival.

Hot or cold buffets can be healthy or decadent, consist of cheese boards, Moroccan flavours, Indian spice, a Caribbean kick or Spanish-inspired cuisine that is both tasty and efficient. 

Pleasure on a PlateHospitality and weddings

Using only the finest produce that nature has to offer, our hot and cold buffets are not compromised by cutting corners with cheap, perished products, we aim high to place nutrition and pleasure on a plate, each and every time. 

Wherever possible, we locally source the highest quality fresh food and use our creativity to provide a feast for every taste and occasion. 

Environmentally conscious, we believe in long-term food security, sustainability of the planet and sustenance on the plate.

  • Corporate Catering

It’s business as usual for Citreus Catering as we continue to inspire with our brand of creative corporate catering.

Based in the East Midlands, we are at the core of the UK’s £70 billion events industry where a significant proportion is attributed to corporate catering, and over 700,000 have been created – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catering

For one day or more, we set our culinary stall at events, hospitality and social occasions that are organized by a business entity. 

With a target audience that is not limited to employees, stakeholders, board members and potential clients, we have professional chefs on hand to skillfully present the finest cuisines to the event’s attendees. 

At the business end of Corporate Catering

So you can get on with the business end of the event, we take care of the crowds with the business of skillfully preparing quality food.

With a wealth of experience and a repertoire of culinary skills, Citreus corporate catering is well-equipped and prepared for the business crowds. 

Corporate Catering SpecialistsOutdoor eating with Citreus this summer

Our cooking reflects customs of age and present-day eating habits and our work continues to be a source of inspiration for other corporate catering professionals. 

We cover a full range of corporate catering foods – canapes, street food, finger foods, buffets, international cuisines, BBQs and seasonal outdoor banquets – for huge or small events. 

With an uncompromising approach to quality, Citreus Catering is the right candidate for the job and the perfect accompaniment to your corporate event.

  • Canapé Receptions

There is no shortage of excitement at one of our canapé receptions

Citreus canapé receptions are more than just an event that serves a type of small, decorative hors d’oeuvre, we bring the flavours and the flair to make the event a memorable one.  

Our combined 60-years’ skill and experience take canapé receptions to a whole new level of taste and excellence.

With bespoke catering, we can really get our creative juices flowing and start to play with the menu. 

 Citreus canapé receptions are often the highlight of the menu with guests eager to sample our tasty toppings for bread, toast, puff pastry, or crackers that can often be eaten in one bite.

Wrapped and topped with an unlimited amount of ideas, our only restriction is Mother Nature herself. The best chefs know the benefits that come from choosing locally sourced food that is harvested close to the kitchen, and our canapé receptions are not an exception to that rule.

We are dedicated professionals who are aware that caterers are as good as their last meal, and so this is why we always strive to make every occasion our best. We will not compromise quality for quantity and we take our local produce very seriously to deliver taste and satisfaction with each and every one of our canapé receptions.

Canapé receptions for any occasion.

Citreus canapé selections are vast and diverse, covering a wide range of options and continents to put flair and flavour on the table at weddings, corporate events, outdoor festivals, funerals, birthday parties, christenings and intimate dinners – https://thecanapekitchen.co.uk/blog/f/why-is-a-canap%C3%A9-called-a-canap%C3%A9#:~:text=Canap%C3%A9%20as%20a%20food%20originated,to%20be%20called%20a%20Canap%C3%A9. 

Our canape receptions selection can take you across the ocean with flavours of the Caribbean, to the taste of the middle east, North Africa, the Mediterranean, and leave you with the sensations of Japan and Hawaii.   

Canapé Receptions are our Oyster

Delighting with the deliciousness of meats such as jerk chicken, beef tataki, lamb with nutmeg and butternut squash, pork and apple, tuna with lime and ginger, lobster, crab with parsley mayonnaise, and backed by seasonal salad options and dressings such as honey and mustard, cranberry, peppercorn, lemon, béarnaise, dark soy and sesame.  The canapé really is our oyster.

We can cater for all tastes and dietary requirements, and we can also provide a feast with vegetarian and gluten-free options.

To be able to fully deliver on our promise, as specialists in canapé receptions, we hear exactly what our clients want for their guests and we bring it to the table with mouth-watering results.

Last few seats available for vegan supper club in Nottingham

Pop up flyer - Janurary 19th 2018 - Vegan menu

Our first pop up of the year is almost here and we currently have very limited availability left for this fantastic event!

Once again held at the stunning venue Debbie Bryan in Nottingham’s historic lace market, after its new year make over also this venue combines craft and quirk with amazing vegan food for 1 special evening this Friday 19th January 2018.

After numerous sell out supper clubs, Craig is back for another date with a fresh seasonal vegan menu in this fantastic location in Nottingham city centre. Join him for an amazing pop-up dining experience to remember as you get familiar with some of the finest food around.

All the food on the evening is sourced locally and with a keen eye on flavor in all his dishes, Craig has created a stunning 6 course menu for the evening. Be sure not to miss this event.

To snap us one of these last few seats get in touch with the girls at Debbie Bryan on either –


or call on

0115 9507776

Guest chef night coming to Derby this October!!!

Our first guest chef night is happening in Derby this October on Wednesday 18th October 2017 at The Palfrey.

The Palfrey
7 – 9 Old Blacksmith’s Yard
Sadler Gate
Derby DE1 3PD

This fantastic evening brings a collaboration with head chef Danny Edwards and Craig Floate for a seasonal menu for the evening with 6 fabulous courses all focusing on maximum flavour with a fantastic presentation of colours and tastes to delight all.

Chef Danny Edwards has been with The Palfrey since they opened their doors and in 2016 and was largely involved in the set up of the whole building and design of the kitchen and dining room. He is a champion of local produce and fine flavours that he offers to his guests day in day out keeping them coming back for more, ensuring The palfrey is now one of Derby’s top dining destinations to be seen at.

Chef Craig Floate is a private/freelance chef who runs a private dining business in Nottingham catering to many people in private settings for fine dinner parties and fine occasions. Previously team chef to the British Sailing team and working in and around Europe with the team in the run up to the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic games. He now works with celebrity chefs on food festivals, and catering for private clients most weekends all around the UK.

With 2 such talented chefs designing the menu for the evening this is sure to be an event not be missed and tickets are selling fast already so be sure to get on the list for this amazing evening of food and wine.

For more information on how to book tickets please visit –


or call

01332 293 135

To book your tickets today!!!

Tickets selling fast…..

Menu for our October supper club.

Tickets are selling fast for our next supper club coming this October to Nottingham.

Be sure to join us for this fantastic 6 course tasting event in a fantastic setting in the heart of Nottingham's famous lace market.

Menu is attached above, for more information and details of how to book please visit –


For more information about what we do and who we are please visit –


May popup on the cards 

Our next popup is here! 

After a successful sell out first ever popup in April, we are back again with our second date at the lovely Debbie Bryan shop in the heart of Nottingham’s lace market. 

The same set up as last time with a tasty 6course taster menu for just £40ph.

Be sure to book in advance to avoid missing out on tickets. 

All the information on the event and booking can be found here

For more information on the sort of events we provide please visit –
